After LASIK, how soon can I see? The best answer is to watch this video of Dr. Jason Jensen, an ophthalmologist, immediately after his LASIK procedure.
The vision is usually starkly more clear immediately after LASIK compared to prior to the procedure. However, results may vary. It’s normal for the eyes to have a little glare or feel foggy for the first few hours. They also feel uncomfortable with tearing for the first 2-3 hours. By the next day, the vision is usually excellent and the eyes feel almost back to normal.
How long does it take after LASIK to reach optimal clarity?
While you may notice improved vision the day after surgery, it’s common for the eyesight to be a little blurry or hazy right after the procedure. This temporary blurriness usually starts to clear up within the first few days as your eyes begin to heal. It can take about 1 month for your vision to fully stabilize and reach optimal clarity. If you want to explore LASIK as an option, schedule a consultation with Waite Vision today.
What can I do to prevent blurry vision after LASIK?
Your eyes will naturally heal after LASIK. Dryness is normal after any eye procedure including LASIK. This can slow the healing process. To prevent this, we have our patients use preservative free artificial tears every two to three hours for the first week while awake. After the first week, the dryness naturally improves and the artificial tears can be used less often. To protecting your eyes, we recommend using sunglasses outdoors and avoid swimming in pools or hot tubs for one week. We also recommend no contact sports for one week. We also give our patients a combination antibiotic/anti-inflammatory eye drop to use for times a day for the first week. For personalized guidance, schedule a consultation with Waite Vision.
Are there any activities I should avoid after LASIK?
Yes. No swimming or hot tubs for one week. No contact sports for one week. No eye rubbing specifically during the first week. It’s important to keep all your follow up appoitnments so we can check to make sure the eyes are healing well. We also recommend no eye makeup for at least two days after the procedure to avoid contamination of the ocular surface. Following these guidelines will help support your recovery and protect your vision after LASIK.
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What are the things I should watch out for after LASIK?
Hazy vision is expected the day of your LASIK procedure. This is normal and should resolve into clear vision within a day or two. If the vision gets worse, this is usually not normal and it is worth coming in to be seen. Pain is also not normal after the first few hours of your procedure. Light sensitivity is normal to start, but this slowly improves over the first few days. We do recommend sunglasses while outside to help with these symptoms. Fluctuating vision after LASIK is almost always dryness. It is normal for the eyes to be a little dry after LASIK so we recommend preservative free artificial tears to help the eyes during the first month while they are healing. After the eyes heal, the dryness usually resovles. If you have any concerns after your LASIK procedure, please reach out to the Waite Vision team so we can schedule an appointment to help you.
Clear Vision Awaits: Schedule Your LASIK Consultation Today
The Waite Vision team, led by Aaron Waite, MD, is here to provide the expertise and support you need to achieve your best results. Schedule a consultation today to learn more about LASIK and LASIK alternatives like ICLs and custom lens replacement and take the first step toward clearer vision.
FAQ’s About How Long Will My Vision Be Blurry After LASIK
Does the blurriness come and go after LASIK?
Yes, it is common for blurriness to fluctuate during the first few days after LASIK. This is most commonly due to temporary dryness which will improve as your eyes heal with time. These fluctuations are within the normal healing process.
Why is one eye blurrier than the other after LASIK?
It’s not unusual for one eye to heal faster than the other, leading to uneven levels of clarity in the days following LASIK. This difference usually resolves on its own. If you notice persistent differences in vision between your eyes, Dr. Waite can evaluate your healing and provide appropriate follow-up care.
How can I speed up the recovery from blurry vision after LASIK?
The best way to speed up recovery is to follow all post-operative instructions, which include resting your eyes, using prescribed eye drops, and avoiding activities like rubbing your eyes. Waite Vision offers personalized recovery plans to help you achieve the clearest vision as quickly as possible.
Can dry eyes make my vision blurry after LASIK?
Yes, dry eyes are a common and temporary cause of blurry vision after LASIK. Using the lubricating eye drops provided by Waite Vision can help keep your eyes moist and reduce blurriness. If dry eyes persist, we can offer further treatments to promote healing.
Will I need glasses during the blurriness period after LASIK?
We do recommend sunglasses while outside after LASIK. Glasses to see clearly are no longer needed after LASIK for most activities.
Can reading or using a computer make my vision blurrier after LASIK?
Extensive screen time can cause dryness since we natually blink less while looking at a screen. Use the post-op drops and artificial tears to reduce dryness after your LASIK procedure.
What if my vision is still blurry a month after LASIK?
If your vision remains blurry a month after LASIK, it’s possible there is still a residual glasses prescription. This is not a problem. There is a small percentage of patients after LASIK who will need an “enhancement” which is a second procedure to reduce the residual glasses prescription. This will be determined at your follow up visit and the best plan to improve the vision will be determined by Dr. Waite.
How long should I avoid driving due to blurry vision after LASIK?
Most people feel comfortable driving the day after their LASIK procedure. In fact, most patients return to work the next day.
Can LASIK correct myopia or farsightedness, and how long will my vision be blurry after the procedure?
Yes, LASIK can effectively correct both myopia (nearsightedness) and hyperopia (farsightedness) as well as astigmatism by reshaping the cornea with a laser. The day of the procedure, it’s normal to experience blurry vision, which typically clears up over night. Waite Vision ensures that patients receive expert care to promote a smooth recovery.
How long will blurry vision last after LASIK if I have astigmatism?
For patients with astigmatism, the healing rate is the same as a patient without astigmatism. Astigmatism is straighforward to treat with LASIK and the results are excellent.
How long will it take for my visual perception and visual acuity to stabilize after LASIK?
After LASIK, the eyes need time to fully heal. Usually by the next day, the vision is starting to clear and most patients feel comfortable driving and returning to work. Complete stabilization is usually noticed about one month after the procedure, but in rare cases can take up to 2-3 months. Waite Vision will ensure that your recovery is closely monitored to help you achieve the best possible clarity during the healing process.