I’m Dr. Chiu. I’m an optometrist from Las Vegas, and I had ICL surgery with Dr. Waite.
My prescription before was very high. It was about -9, and ever since the surgery, I’m back to 2020.
Everything’s been great. When I wake up in the morning, I can see my alarm clock. I’m playing better basketball now. And when I’m working, I can see everything. So, as an optometrist, you have to really scan the eyes of your patients. With my new vision, I’m able to see everything really clear.
I used to wear really thick glasses, and peripheral-wise, seeing on the sides kind of distortion a little bit. ICL is perfect. I don’t see any distortions. Everything was very clear to me.
Dr. Waite’s a great doctor. I had a lot of trust in him, and he just kept me at ease the whole time. He does a very efficient and professional job.